Insect Control Services

Many of us are fans of warm weather. It can be especially welcome after several months of cooler temperatures. Warm weather does bring one significant drawback, however: the return of summertime bugs.

We think of nuisance insects, we often think of flies and mosquitoes, but there are a multitude of insects that can be either simply annoying or even potentially dangerous. It is important to act quickly to keep them under control.

How to Pest-proof Your Home

Each type of insect will require its own approach to deal with, but here are some general ways to pest-proof your home:

  • Use weather stripping on doors and door sweeps to create a tighter seal.
  • Caulk crevices around doors, windows, and vents.
  • Caulk or otherwise seal openings around pipes and conduits entering your home.
  • Inspect interior and exterior walls for any cracks, crevices, or other openings to repair.
  • Inspect the screens on windows and doors to ensure that they fit securely.
  • If your garbage cans do not have closing lids, consider investing in some to discourage flies and yellowjackets.
  • If you have leaks (especially in the roof) they should be repaired before you attract moisture-loving insects like fungus beetles and carpenter ants.
  • Standing water will attract mosquitoes and other flying insects. Try to eliminate it wherever possible. Downspouts should be arranged to drain away from the home.
  • If you keep stacks of wood, stack them away from the home and off the ground.
  • Check that your plants are not acting as attractants to pest insects. If they are, remove them and replace them with another variety that is insect resistant.

Common Insect Pests

Ok, you have noticed a few pest insects inside your home. Even the cleanest, well-kept home can have insects from time to time. Most of these local pests just wander in from the great outdoors.

The first step is to identify the pest insects since each type of insect requires its own approach to control. Solutions Pest Control receives calls from clients asking about these common pests often found in the southwest coast of BC:

Of these local pest insects, termites can cause the most structural damage to your home. The other pest insects listed bring possible health and food contamination issues and or result in considerable damage to plants.

If you are having problems with Ants, we have an entire page on Ants Control issues and solutions.

If you are having problems with Bedbugs, Solutions Pest Control is an expert on Bedbugs. Our Bedbug Treatments page describes the issues and solutions to Bedbug infestations.

How to Deal With Common Indoor Insects

Fungus Gnats

You may or may not even be familiar with fungus gnats, but you may have them in your home. They are a common plant pest, which can cause considerable damage to your houseplants. You might not even see them prior to noticing the harmless adults flying around your plants, but you will notice the damage to your plants, which includes sudden wilting, yellowing, and poor growth. If your plants are severely infested, they may suffer significant damage.

DIY Gnat Treatments
Beneficial Nematodes (microscopic roundworms) can deal with the gnat larvae while flying insect sprays consisting of peppermint, cinnamon, and sesame oils can kill the flying adults.
Dealing with fungus gnats can be difficult, as a single potted plant may host multiple generations in different growth cycle stages all at once. Multiple attempts at eradicating them might be necessary.

When buying a new plant, inspect it carefully and turn up the soil around the baser of the plant. You might send up flying gnats or you may discover larvae that are glossy and clear. Don’t bring these plants home. If you find them while inspecting plants at home, let the top two inches of soil dry out between watering. This can kill larvae and inhibit the development of eggs.

Because fungus gnats do well in damp soil, do your best not to over-water, especially in winter months when your plants will be using less. You may also place yellow sticky traps horizontally on the surface of the soil to catch the egg-laying adults, as they are attracted to the colour.

DIY Gnat Treatments

Finally, using beneficial Nematodes (microscopic roundworms) can deal with the larvae, while flying insect sprays consisting of peppermint, cinnamon, and sesame oils can kill the flying adults.

{do we have any products in the online store of this?}

=> back to Common Pest Insects List ^


With their ability to inflict significant damage upon your property, once discovered, termites need to be eliminated quickly and thoroughly.

Termite Tip:
Winged termites resemble winged ants, but winged ants emerge in the spring, while winged termites do so in the fall.

BC has two main types of destructive termites. Coastal areas may deal with the Pacific dampwood termite, which is a problem for homes with moist wood from leaks or improper foundations, while the interior and Vancouver Island contend with the western subterranean termite.

In the case of the Pacific dampwood termite, the best means of dealing with them is to eliminate the damp wood, fix any existing leaks, and improve ventilation.

Dealing with the latter should be left to professionals. Proper training is required to deal with them effectively.

=> back to Common Pest Insect List ^


Silverfish are an oval, elongated, wingless pest measuring 12 – 19 mm (not including the tail). They are fast-moving and adept at hiding, but you may notice signs of their presence such as shed skin, yellow stains or dust, fecal matter that resembles tiny black peppercorns, or the damage they have inflicted.  Here’s help with identifying Silverfish, read our description on common insect pests in Vancouver.

The damage they cause is probably the most common way to discover an infestation. Silverfish love to eat paper, book bindings, wallpaper, linens, and other such items. Discovering these things with holes chewed through them is an excellent indicator that you have silverfish.

Removing silverfish can be challenging and is best left to the experts, but there are some things that you can do to help prevent them such as

  • keeping dry goods in airtight containers,
  • vacuuming carpets and upholstery on a regular basis to pick up any food crumbs, and
  • use a dehumidifier in damp areas like your basement to reduce the moisture that seems to attract them.

Check for any areas that might need to be sealed, such as seams between walls, baseboards, and any cracks that you find.

=> back to Common Pest Insect List ^


While we most often think of fleas in relation to our pets, having them enter your home on your dog or cat means that they will soon be taking up residence in your furniture and the rest of your house and yard. Here’s help with identifying Fleas, read our description on common insect pests in Vancouver.

Itching is likely the most obvious sign that will give away their presence, but they are much more likely to target your pets than other family members. Their life cycle is 18 to 21 days, but larvae can remain dormant for months in certain weather conditions or if no host is handy.

Eliminating fleas from your home becomes more difficult if your pet has free-roam of the house. To start with, you will want to use a powerful vacuum with a bag on all your floors and mattresses. Upholstery and carpets should be cleaned with a steam cleaner, with extra care taken on areas where your pet prefers to sleep. Steam cleaners are also appropriate for pet beds.

All your bedding, as well as your pet’s, should be washed in hot water and dried on the highest setting. A severe enough infestation may warrant replacing the bedding altogether.

=> back to Common Pest Insect List ^

Moth Facts:
If any of your clothes show signs of moths, wash them in hot water and dry on the highest heat possible. For clothes that cannot be put in the dryer, you can freeze them for 24 hours to kill larvae.


You may have memories of visiting your grandparents and encountering the smell of naphthalene in closets and on clothes. For some, mothballs were ubiquitous in their childhood household. Fortunately, there are other ways to keep moths away.

Moths do not cause health issues for most, though their larvae may cause allergic reactions when in contact with skin. Some may even have sharp hairs or spines that can cause itching, blisters, or other skin irritations.

If you have moths in your home, you can try using cedar balls or cedar oil diluted with water in a spray bottle. Pheromones in cedar repel moths, along with other insects. Moths can also be repelled by combining lavender, bay leaves, cloves, rosemary, and thyme in a bag that you hang where you store clothes or food.

If any of your clothes show signs of moths, wash them in hot water and dry on the highest heat possible. For clothes that cannot be put in the dryer, you can freeze them for 24 hours to kill larvae. Using a solution of vinegar and water, scrub any areas where you find larvae or eggs.

To help prevent moths, brush off any clothes made of wool or fur after wearing them outside, as eggs can be easily affixed to these materials. Before storing your clothes, wash them and air dry them in sunlight before storing them in airtight containers, and be sure to keep storage areas dry, as moths thrive in moisture and humidity.

=> back to Common Pest Insect List ^


A common flying pest, flies can be highly annoying when they invade your barbecue and decide to land on your food. Given that they develop in manure and rotting meat and vegetation, and the fact that they can contaminate food with human pathogens, you will obviously not want to share your meal with them.

Although you may encounter different types of flies, they are all dealt with in essentially the same manner. One way is to keep them out of the house (exclusion) with tight-fitting screens on your doors and windows. This is especially important in areas where food will be prepared. Cracks around windows should be filled and ventilators should be screened.

More important than sealing off your home is the removal of breeding sites. This includes rotting and decomposing materials, as well as animal manure. Dead birds and animals should be buried when discovered, to keep them from being infested. All possible breeding sites should be disposed of or composted as applicable. A compost pile that is properly maintained will not be a source of flies.

=> back to Common Pest Insect List ^


While spiders can be useful in your home to help control other insects, many people take issue with them, especially when there is an over-abundance. Additionally, some spiders such as black widows are clearly unwelcome in your home.

As with many other insects, caulking cracks around doors and windows, as well as maintaining screens over vents helps with keeping spiders out of your home. You should also keep good spider real estate (stacked firewood, for example) away from the home. Webspinners such as black widows can be discouraged by constantly sweeping away their webs as they appear. Keeping your basement and similar locations free from clutter can help keep spiders from settling in.

=> back to Common Pest Insect List ^


Cockroaches rank right up there with spiders when it comes to causing strong reactions, or even a feeling of revulsion. Having one skitter across your counter or your floor is bad enough, but when you hear stories of stepping on one barefoot while getting a drink of water at night, most people will shudder involuntarily. Here’s help with identifying Cockroaches, read our description on common insect pests in Vancouver. Once you identify your pest issue, we can help you eliminate this annoying pest with our Cockroaches Control Services.

Aside from the “ick” factor, not everyone is aware that cockroaches can spread diseases such as salmonella, dysentery, and gastroenteritis. Further, their droppings can cause asthma and eczema.

Much like for the management of other pests, you will want to seal up any entry points, eliminate places where they could hide, and remove any potential food sources. Some of that sounds easier than it is, given that cockroaches can survive on just about anything they find, and they thrive in places that you may not even think to look, such as behind your refrigerator.

Other places that you might not consider include stacks of books or paper, and cardboard boxes. Eliminating clutter gives them fewer hiding places and disposing of your garbage regularly and keeping it covered with a tight-fitting lid will help limit their access to food. Consider also putting cereal and other dry goods in airtight containers and be sure to remove uneaten pet food before nightfall.

You should avoid spraying, as you don’t want to contaminate countertops and other items. Instead, try using baits to help control the problem.

{do we have any products in the online store of this?}

=> back to Common Pest Insect List ^

Solutions To Your Pest Control Issues

Dealing with insect infestations can be a trying experience. That’s why when you have problems, you need Solutions. Protect your home and your loved ones with professional insect control solutions so that you can enjoy your environment without nuisance insects.

Our team is ready to solve your pest issues, call Solutions Pest Control today!
Or Schedule a Service Call Now!

Why Solutions Pest Control?

We are your local pest control expert. Our friendly pest control techs live and work in your neighbourhood. We are very familiar with the local pest issues and are ready to help.

Solutions Pest Control Ltd. BBB Business Review

DIY Pest Control

If your pest issue is not too big, you may want to try one of these pest control products.


Solution’s rapid and thorough response made it possible to get back to my normal life again. Knowledgeable and reassuring, they were always available to answer any further questions and offer suggestions to keep the pests away. I put my utmost trust in Solutions and feel grateful I made the right choice.

Eve M. – North Vancouver


Solutions Pest Control will solve your specific pest problem. If we can’t, we’ll help you find someone who can. – That’s our guarantee to you.

Solutions Pest Control has been trusted by Metro Vancouver residents since 2009

Insect Control Services

Many of us are fans of warm weather. It can be especially welcome after several months of cooler temperatures. Warm weather does bring one significant drawback, however: the return of summertime bugs.

We think of nuisance insects, we often think of flies and mosquitoes, but there are a multitude of insects that can be either simply annoying or even potentially dangerous. It is important to act quickly to keep them under control.

How to Pest-proof Your Home

Each type of insect will require its own approach to deal with, but here are some general ways to pest-proof your home:

  • Use weather stripping on doors and door sweeps to create a tighter seal.
  • Caulk crevices around doors, windows, and vents.
  • Caulk or otherwise seal openings around pipes and conduits entering your home.
  • Inspect interior and exterior walls for any cracks, crevices, or other openings to repair.
  • Inspect the screens on windows and doors to ensure that they fit securely.
  • If your garbage cans do not have closing lids, consider investing in some to discourage flies and yellowjackets.
  • If you have leaks (especially in the roof) they should be repaired before you attract moisture-loving insects like fungus beetles and carpenter ants.
  • Standing water will attract mosquitoes and other flying insects. Try to eliminate it wherever possible. Downspouts should be arranged to drain away from the home.
  • If you keep stacks of wood, stack them away from the home and off the ground.
  • Check that your plants are not acting as attractants to pest insects. If they are, remove them and replace them with another variety that is insect resistant.

Common Pest Insects Found In Metro Vancouver Area

Ok, you have noticed a few pest insects inside your home. Even the cleanest, well-kept home can have insects from time to time. Most of these local pests just wander in from the great outdoors.

The first step is to identify the pest insects since each type of insect requires its own approach to control. Solutions Pest Control receives calls from clients asking about these common pests often found in the southwest coast of BC:

Of these local pest insects, termites can cause the most structural damage to your home. The other pest insects listed bring possible health and food contamination issues and or result in considerable damage to plants.

If you are having problems with Ants, we have an entire page on Ants Control issues and solutions.

If you are having problems with Bedbugs, Solutions Pest Control is an expert on Bedbugs. Our Bedbug Treatments page describes the issues and solutions to Bedbug infestations.

How to Deal With Common Indoor Insects

Fungus Gnats

You may or may not even be familiar with fungus gnats, but you may have them in your home. They are a common plant pest, which can cause considerable damage to your houseplants. You might not even see them prior to noticing the harmless adults flying around your plants, but you will notice the damage to your plants, which includes sudden wilting, yellowing, and poor growth. If your plants are severely infested, they may suffer significant damage.

DIY Gnat Treatments
Beneficial Nematodes (microscopic roundworms) can deal with the gnat larvae while flying insect sprays consisting of peppermint, cinnamon, and sesame oils can kill the flying adults.
Dealing with fungus gnats can be difficult, as a single potted plant may host multiple generations in different growth cycle stages all at once. Multiple attempts at eradicating them might be necessary.

When buying a new plant, inspect it carefully and turn up the soil around the baser of the plant. You might send up flying gnats or you may discover larvae that are glossy and clear. Don’t bring these plants home. If you find them while inspecting plants at home, let the top two inches of soil dry out between watering. This can kill larvae and inhibit the development of eggs.

Because fungus gnats do well in damp soil, do your best not to over-water, especially in winter months when your plants will be using less. You may also place yellow sticky traps horizontally on the surface of the soil to catch the egg-laying adults, as they are attracted to the colour.

DIY Gnat Treatments

Finally, using beneficial Nematodes (microscopic roundworms) can deal with the larvae, while flying insect sprays consisting of peppermint, cinnamon, and sesame oils can kill the flying adults.

{do we have any products in the online store of this?}

=> back to Common Pest Insects List ^


With their ability to inflict significant damage upon your property, once discovered, termites need to be eliminated quickly and thoroughly.

Termite Tip:
Winged termites resemble winged ants, but winged ants emerge in the spring, while winged termites do so in the fall.

BC has two main types of destructive termites. Coastal areas may deal with the Pacific dampwood termite, which is a problem for homes with moist wood from leaks or improper foundations, while the interior and Vancouver Island contend with the western subterranean termite.

In the case of the Pacific dampwood termite, the best means of dealing with them is to eliminate the damp wood, fix any existing leaks, and improve ventilation.

Dealing with the latter should be left to professionals. Proper training is required to deal with them effectively.


Silverfish are an oval, elongated, wingless pest measuring 12 – 19 mm (not including the tail). They are fast-moving and adept at hiding, but you may notice signs of their presence such as shed skin, yellow stains or dust, fecal matter that resembles tiny black peppercorns, or the damage they have inflicted. Here’s help with identifying Silverfish, read our description on common insect pests in Vancouver.

The damage they cause is probably the most common way to discover an infestation. Silverfish love to eat paper, book bindings, wallpaper, linens, and other such items. Discovering these things with holes chewed through them is an excellent indicator that you have silverfish.

Removing silverfish can be challenging and is best left to the experts, but there are some things that you can do to help prevent them such as

  • keeping dry goods in airtight containers,
  • vacuuming carpets and upholstery on a regular basis to pick up any food crumbs, and
  • use a dehumidifier in damp areas like your basement to reduce the moisture that seems to attract them.

Check for any areas that might need to be sealed, such as seams between walls, baseboards, and any cracks that you find.

=> back to Common Pest Insect List ^


While we most often think of fleas in relation to our pets, having them enter your home on your dog or cat means that they will soon be taking up residence in your furniture and the rest of your house and yard. Here’s help with identifying Fleas, read our description on common insect pests in Vancouver.

Itching is likely the most obvious sign that will give away their presence, but they are much more likely to target your pets than other family members. Their life cycle is 18 to 21 days, but larvae can remain dormant for months in certain weather conditions or if no host is handy.

Eliminating fleas from your home becomes more difficult if your pet has free-roam of the house. To start with, you will want to use a powerful vacuum with a bag on all your floors and mattresses. Upholstery and carpets should be cleaned with a steam cleaner, with extra care taken on areas where your pet prefers to sleep. Steam cleaners are also appropriate for pet beds.

All your bedding, as well as your pet’s, should be washed in hot water and dried on the highest setting. A severe enough infestation may warrant replacing the bedding altogether.

=> back to Common Pest Insect List ^

Moth Facts:
If any of your clothes show signs of moths, wash them in hot water and dry on the highest heat possible. For clothes that cannot be put in the dryer, you can freeze them for 24 hours to kill larvae.


You may have memories of visiting your grandparents and encountering the smell of naphthalene in closets and on clothes. For some, mothballs were ubiquitous in their childhood household. Fortunately, there are other ways to keep moths away.

Moths do not cause health issues for most, though their larvae may cause allergic reactions when in contact with skin. Some may even have sharp hairs or spines that can cause itching, blisters, or other skin irritations.

If you have moths in your home, you can try using cedar balls or cedar oil diluted with water in a spray bottle. Pheromones in cedar repel moths, along with other insects. Moths can also be repelled by combining lavender, bay leaves, cloves, rosemary, and thyme in a bag that you hang where you store clothes or food.

If any of your clothes show signs of moths, wash them in hot water and dry on the highest heat possible. For clothes that cannot be put in the dryer, you can freeze them for 24 hours to kill larvae. Using a solution of vinegar and water, scrub any areas where you find larvae or eggs.

To help prevent moths, brush off any clothes made of wool or fur after wearing them outside, as eggs can be easily affixed to these materials. Before storing your clothes, wash them and air dry them in sunlight before storing them in airtight containers, and be sure to keep storage areas dry, as moths thrive in moisture and humidity.

=> back to Common Pest Insect List ^


A common flying pest, flies can be highly annoying when they invade your barbecue and decide to land on your food. Given that they develop in manure and rotting meat and vegetation, and the fact that they can contaminate food with human pathogens, you will obviously not want to share your meal with them.

Although you may encounter different types of flies, they are all dealt with in essentially the same manner. One way is to keep them out of the house (exclusion) with tight-fitting screens on your doors and windows. This is especially important in areas where food will be prepared. Cracks around windows should be filled and ventilators should be screened.

More important than sealing off your home is the removal of breeding sites. This includes rotting and decomposing materials, as well as animal manure. Dead birds and animals should be buried when discovered, to keep them from being infested. All possible breeding sites should be disposed of or composted as applicable. A compost pile that is properly maintained will not be a source of flies.

=> back to Common Pest Insect List ^


While spiders can be useful in your home to help control other insects, many people take issue with them, especially when there is an over-abundance. Additionally, some spiders such as black widows are clearly unwelcome in your home.

As with many other insects, caulking cracks around doors and windows, as well as maintaining screens over vents helps with keeping spiders out of your home. You should also keep good spider real estate (stacked firewood, for example) away from the home. Webspinners such as black widows can be discouraged by constantly sweeping away their webs as they appear. Keeping your basement and similar locations free from clutter can help keep spiders from settling in.

=> back to Common Pest Insect List ^


Cockroaches rank right up there with spiders when it comes to causing strong reactions, or even a feeling of revulsion. Having one skitter across your counter or your floor is bad enough, but when you hear stories of stepping on one barefoot while getting a drink of water at night, most people will shudder involuntarily. Here’s help with identifying Cockroaches, read our description on common insect pests in Vancouver. Once you identify your pest issue, we can help you eliminate this annoying pest with our Cockroaches Control Services.

Aside from the “ick” factor, not everyone is aware that cockroaches can spread diseases such as salmonella, dysentery, and gastroenteritis. Further, their droppings can cause asthma and eczema.

Much like for the management of other pests, you will want to seal up any entry points, eliminate places where they could hide, and remove any potential food sources. Some of that sounds easier than it is, given that cockroaches can survive on just about anything they find, and they thrive in places that you may not even think to look, such as behind your refrigerator.

Other places that you might not consider include stacks of books or paper, and cardboard boxes. Eliminating clutter gives them fewer hiding places and disposing of your garbage regularly and keeping it covered with a tight-fitting lid will help limit their access to food. Consider also putting cereal and other dry goods in airtight containers and be sure to remove uneaten pet food before nightfall.

You should avoid spraying, as you don’t want to contaminate countertops and other items. Instead, try using baits to help control the problem.

{do we have any products in the online store of this?}

=> back to Common Pest Insect List ^

Solutions To Your Pest Control Issues

Dealing with insect infestations can be a trying experience. That’s why when you have problems, you need Solutions. Protect your home and your loved ones with professional insect control solutions so that you can enjoy your environment without nuisance insects.

Our team is ready to solve your pest issues, call Solutions Pest Control today!
Or Schedule a Service Call Now!

Insects Control Blog

We gathered the following, most recent Insect Control posts from Solutions Pest Control’s – Bug Blog. These are topical posts we’ve written over the years about insect issues in Metro Vancouver and Whistler Sea-to-Sky corridor area. If your neighbours had these issues in the past, our bug blog posts might be relevant to your concerns today.

Bug Blogs

There is a great deal of information in our Bug Blog posts, perhaps one will address the pest issues you are experiencing today. Please have a look at our Bug Blog page and give us a call if we can answer any questions.