Insect Control & Removal

Insect Pest Control Blog Posts

Solution Pest Control – Insect Control Blog Posts – Recommendations – Suggestions – DYI Actions

We gathered our Insect Control posts from our Bug Blog to help you learn about common insect pests and solve your insect infestation. These are topical posts collected over the years about insect pest issues in Metro Vancouver and Whistler Sea-to-Sky corridor area. If your neighbours had these issues in the past, they might be relevant to your concerns today.

There is a great deal of information in our Bug Blog posts. Perhaps one will address the pest issues you are experiencing today. Please have a look at our posts and give us a call if we can answer any questions.

Do Fake Wasp Nests Work Really?

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy your backyard, patio, deck, or balcony, right? Well, if you have a wasp problem, chances are you aren’t. And who can blame you? A nest full of these flying little demons can quickly become aggressive, sending you, your family (and even your pets) [...]

5 Common Mistakes in Pest Control Vancouver

Rats, mice, bed bugs, and cockroaches—pests are the worst kind of nightmare for many home and business owners. And who can blame them? These hair-raising hellions can cause a slew of costly property damage, not to mention spread harmful diseases, putting the health of you and the ones you care [...]

5 Pest Control Surrey Myths Debunked

In our many years of pest control, we’ve seen and heard it all when it comes to keeping critters at bay, from old wives tales to useless DIY methods. And thanks to the internet and social media, there’s even more far-out rumors and bad pest control advice than ever before. [...]

Pest Control Richmond Pros Advise The 5 Top Reasons Your Home Attracts Pests

Like most typical homeowners, Richmond residents take great pride in their houses. They spend oodles of time, money, and energy landscaping, decorating, and remodeling, making sure their property looks inviting and beautiful for their friends and family. Obviously, you want to do everything you can to keep unwanted pests [...]

5 Common Summer Pests That’ll Keep You Up At Night

Summer is almost here, bringing the sun, fun, and—sorry to say—a host of skin-crawling critters. As the days get warmer, insects awake from their slumber and set off on a quest for food—a quest that can lead nasty vermin straight to your front door. Learn about these pest control in [...]

Tips for Yard pest control in Vancouver

Toiling away at all that yardwork is probably not many folks’ idea of fun on a sunny afternoon. Still, a well-maintained yard will not only up your curb appeal, but will also help keep those pesky critters away. If you want to stop pests from figuratively and literally eating away [...]

Preventing Carpet Beetles in Nurseries

While we may feel varying levels of revulsion with different bugs and may accept the occasional spider setting up shop in a dark corner of the basement, no one ever wants to deal with a full-blown infestation, and certainly of all places, we don’t want one in a nursery. [...]

The Best Ways to Keep Spiders Away from Your Home

If you are not among the approximately 30% of North Americans who have some degree of arachnophobia, congratulations! But even if you are not afraid of spiders, you may not like to have them as a roommate, especially if they start multiplying out of control. Whether dealing with spiders causes [...]

How Integrated Pest Management Can Benefit Your Business

Pest Control for Commercial Kitchens and Business Operations When tackling the issue of pest control, you want to do more than simply eliminate what you see. The best approach to dealing with pests is to monitor, prevent, and eliminate the unwanted invaders, rather than simply react to them. Integrated Pest [...]

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