Solutions Pest Control Bug Blog Posts

We keep you in the know on topical local pest issues, by writing our Bug Blog posts. There is a great deal of information in our Bug Blog posts, perhaps one will address the pest issues you are experiencing today. Our posts are organized by pest category, you can click on the pest you want to research in the category list in the sidebar.

Ant Control

Insect Control

Rodent Removal

5 Terrifying Rat Control Richmond Facts

When it comes to any creepy critter list, rats rank right up there. Just one glimpse of these spine-chilling rodents is enough to scare the pants off anyone. With their [...]

Rat Control White Rock: How Fast Rats Multiply?

For many folks, math is just plain hard. But for rats, their powers of multiplication is unrivalled the world over. Obviously, were not talking about rodents remembering and reciting the [...]

Bed Bugs Treatment

Bird Control

Wildlife Control

Property Management

Ant Control

Bed Bugs Treatment

Insect Control

Rodent Removal

5 Terrifying Rat Control Richmond Facts

When it comes to any creepy critter list, rats rank right up there. Just one glimpse of these spine-chilling rodents is enough to scare the pants off anyone. With their [...]

Rat Control White Rock: How Fast Rats Multiply?

For many folks, math is just plain hard. But for rats, their powers of multiplication is unrivalled the world over. Obviously, were not talking about rodents remembering and reciting the [...]

Bird Control

Wildlife Control

Property Management

Solution Pest Control

DIY Pest Control

If your pest issue is not too big, you may want to try one of these pest control products.

Pest U 101

Our knowledgeable pest detectives are happy to talk to you and educate you on the signs and characteristics of the most common pests.

Our Guarantee

Solutions Pest Control will solve your specific pest problem. If we can’t, we’ll help you find someone who can. – That’s our guarantee to you.