Solutions Pest Control Bug Blog Posts
We keep you in the know on topical local pest issues, by writing our Bug Blog posts. There is a great deal of information in our Bug Blog posts, perhaps one will address the pest issues you are experiencing today. Our posts are organized by pest category, you can click on the pest you want to research in the category list in the sidebar.
Ant Control
Insect Control
Tips for Yard pest control in Vancouver
Toiling away at all that yardwork is probably not many folks’ idea of fun on a sunny afternoon. Still, a well-maintained yard will not only up your curb appeal, but [...]
Preventing Carpet Beetles in Nurseries
While we may feel varying levels of revulsion with different bugs and may accept the occasional spider setting up shop in a dark corner of the basement, no one ever [...]
The Best Ways to Keep Spiders Away from Your Home
If you are not among the approximately 30% of North Americans who have some degree of arachnophobia, congratulations! But even if you are not afraid of spiders, you may not [...]
Rodent Removal
5 Common Mistakes in Pest Control Vancouver
Rats, mice, bed bugs, and cockroaches—pests are the worst kind of nightmare for many home and business owners. And who can blame them? These hair-raising hellions can cause a slew [...]
5 Pest Control Surrey Myths Debunked
In our many years of pest control, we’ve seen and heard it all when it comes to keeping critters at bay, from old wives tales to useless DIY methods. And [...]
Learn about Rat Removal for Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
Medical marijuana dispensaries have been popping up everywhere lately. Whatever side of the fence you are on (we’re not here to judge), this trend doesn’t seem to be slowing down [...]
Bed Bugs Treatment
What are Bug Bombs?
Learn what a Bug Bomb is: Is it a Disastrous Bed Bugs Treatments? Bed bug infestations can be infuriating. No matter what you do, no matter what you [...]
Bed Bug Treatments Surrey To Protect Your Bed
“Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Well, good luck with that. The mere thought of insects feasting on you while you sleep is enough to keep anyone awake at [...]
5 DIY Bed Bug Treatments Coquitlam
Take it from the pros, bed bugs are one of the most difficult pests to get rid of, period. They are experts at hide and seek, they can live without [...]
Bird Control
Wildlife Control
Property Management
Ant Control
Bed Bugs Treatment
What are Bug Bombs?
Learn what a Bug Bomb is: Is it a Disastrous Bed Bugs Treatments? Bed bug infestations can be infuriating. No matter what you do, no matter what you [...]
Bed Bug Treatments Surrey To Protect Your Bed
“Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Well, good luck with that. The mere thought of insects feasting on you while you sleep is enough to keep anyone awake at [...]
5 DIY Bed Bug Treatments Coquitlam
Take it from the pros, bed bugs are one of the most difficult pests to get rid of, period. They are experts at hide and seek, they can live without [...]
Insect Control
Tips for Yard pest control in Vancouver
Toiling away at all that yardwork is probably not many folks’ idea of fun on a sunny afternoon. Still, a well-maintained yard will not only up your curb appeal, but [...]
Preventing Carpet Beetles in Nurseries
While we may feel varying levels of revulsion with different bugs and may accept the occasional spider setting up shop in a dark corner of the basement, no one ever [...]
The Best Ways to Keep Spiders Away from Your Home
If you are not among the approximately 30% of North Americans who have some degree of arachnophobia, congratulations! But even if you are not afraid of spiders, you may not [...]
Rodent Removal
5 Common Mistakes in Pest Control Vancouver
Rats, mice, bed bugs, and cockroaches—pests are the worst kind of nightmare for many home and business owners. And who can blame them? These hair-raising hellions can cause a slew [...]
5 Pest Control Surrey Myths Debunked
In our many years of pest control, we’ve seen and heard it all when it comes to keeping critters at bay, from old wives tales to useless DIY methods. And [...]
Learn about Rat Removal for Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
Medical marijuana dispensaries have been popping up everywhere lately. Whatever side of the fence you are on (we’re not here to judge), this trend doesn’t seem to be slowing down [...]
Bird Control
Wildlife Control
Property Management