Solutions Pest Control Bug Blog Posts
We keep you in the know on topical local pest issues, by writing our Bug Blog posts. There is a great deal of information in our Bug Blog posts, perhaps one will address the pest issues you are experiencing today. Our posts are organized by pest category, you can click on the pest you want to research in the category list in the sidebar.
Ant Control
Why You Need Professional Ant Control in Vancouver
We don’t need to tell you just how many DIY tips for ant control are out there. Some of them good, some of them bad, and some of them just plain [...]
All about Carpenter Ant Control Coquitlam
Did you know that there are 12,000 species of ants all over the world? Yup, that’s a lot of ants. They’re so widespread, in fact, that we barely even notice them—unless [...]
How Integrated Pest Management Can Benefit Your Business
Pest Control for Commercial Kitchens and Business Operations When tackling the issue of pest control, you want to do more than simply eliminate what you see. The best approach to [...]
Insect Control
Where do Cockroaches Like to Hide in New Westminster?
Where Do Cockroaches Like to Hide in New Westminster? Did you know cockroaches hide 75-90% of the time? It’s true. Ask anyone who has ever had a cockroach problem—they are [...]
Do Fake Wasp Nests Work Really?
Summer is the perfect time to enjoy your backyard, patio, deck, or balcony, right? Well, if you have a wasp problem, chances are you aren’t. And who can blame you? [...]
5 Common Mistakes in Pest Control Vancouver
Rats, mice, bed bugs, and cockroaches—pests are the worst kind of nightmare for many home and business owners. And who can blame them? These hair-raising hellions can cause a slew [...]
Rodent Removal
5 Steps to find good Vancouver Pest Control Companies
Finding ants marching through your home, rodents foraging for food, or bed bugs nesting in your mattress can all be serious problems. Choosing the right Vancouver pest control company, however, [...]
How to Rodent Proof Your Home This Winter
Winter is coming—time to wage war against unwanted guests from getting into your home. Rodent infestations are a serious problem this time of year. As food sources become increasingly scarce, mice [...]
How to Tell If You Need Mouse Control Surrey
How to Tell There Is a Mouse in Your Surrey House Hearing mysterious scurrying noises at night? Finding tiny bite marks on your bread? Yup, sounds like you might have [...]
Bed Bugs Treatment
How to Avoid Bringing Home Bed Bugs While Traveling
“Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite” is a popular saying that most people are familiar with. And for many travellers, waking up with itching, welt-like bites is [...]
4 Hitchhiking Pests that Could Travel Home with You
Not all hitchhikers hold out their thumbs for a ride. In fact, there are many creepy-crawly insects that are notorious for hitching a lift on unsuspecting victims, easily gaining access to [...]
Canine Bed Bug Inspection
Did you know that man’s best friend is a great weapon in the war on bed bugs? It’s true. A dog’s sensitive nose is the perfect detection tool that can help [...]
Bird Control
Wildlife Control
Property Management
How Integrated Pest Management Can Benefit Your Business
Pest Control for Commercial Kitchens and Business Operations When tackling the issue of pest control, you want to do more than simply eliminate what you see. The best approach to [...]
Ant Control
Why You Need Professional Ant Control in Vancouver
We don’t need to tell you just how many DIY tips for ant control are out there. Some of them good, some of them bad, and some of them just plain [...]
All about Carpenter Ant Control Coquitlam
Did you know that there are 12,000 species of ants all over the world? Yup, that’s a lot of ants. They’re so widespread, in fact, that we barely even notice them—unless [...]
How Integrated Pest Management Can Benefit Your Business
Pest Control for Commercial Kitchens and Business Operations When tackling the issue of pest control, you want to do more than simply eliminate what you see. The best approach to [...]
Bed Bugs Treatment
How to Avoid Bringing Home Bed Bugs While Traveling
“Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite” is a popular saying that most people are familiar with. And for many travellers, waking up with itching, welt-like bites is [...]
4 Hitchhiking Pests that Could Travel Home with You
Not all hitchhikers hold out their thumbs for a ride. In fact, there are many creepy-crawly insects that are notorious for hitching a lift on unsuspecting victims, easily gaining access to [...]
Canine Bed Bug Inspection
Did you know that man’s best friend is a great weapon in the war on bed bugs? It’s true. A dog’s sensitive nose is the perfect detection tool that can help [...]
Insect Control
Where do Cockroaches Like to Hide in New Westminster?
Where Do Cockroaches Like to Hide in New Westminster? Did you know cockroaches hide 75-90% of the time? It’s true. Ask anyone who has ever had a cockroach problem—they are [...]
Do Fake Wasp Nests Work Really?
Summer is the perfect time to enjoy your backyard, patio, deck, or balcony, right? Well, if you have a wasp problem, chances are you aren’t. And who can blame you? [...]
5 Common Mistakes in Pest Control Vancouver
Rats, mice, bed bugs, and cockroaches—pests are the worst kind of nightmare for many home and business owners. And who can blame them? These hair-raising hellions can cause a slew [...]
Rodent Removal
5 Steps to find good Vancouver Pest Control Companies
Finding ants marching through your home, rodents foraging for food, or bed bugs nesting in your mattress can all be serious problems. Choosing the right Vancouver pest control company, however, [...]
How to Rodent Proof Your Home This Winter
Winter is coming—time to wage war against unwanted guests from getting into your home. Rodent infestations are a serious problem this time of year. As food sources become increasingly scarce, mice [...]
How to Tell If You Need Mouse Control Surrey
How to Tell There Is a Mouse in Your Surrey House Hearing mysterious scurrying noises at night? Finding tiny bite marks on your bread? Yup, sounds like you might have [...]
Bird Control
Wildlife Control
Property Management
How Integrated Pest Management Can Benefit Your Business
Pest Control for Commercial Kitchens and Business Operations When tackling the issue of pest control, you want to do more than simply eliminate what you see. The best approach to [...]